A Brief History of Mini Split HVAC Systems


You might appreciate the mini split HVAC systems available now, but have you ever stopped to think about how HVAC systems have developed over the years? If not, this article will cover the fascinating history of mini split HVAC systems, including where they are now.

Where Mini Split HVAC's Started

They introduced mini split HVAC systems in the 1950s, and the first units were sold by Japan's Toshibi and Mitsubishi Electric. In fact, Mitsubishi Electric still makes mini split HVAC systems to date. The sizes of houses inspired both Mitsubishi Electric and Toshiba to create these units, as they were larger and needed appropriate cooling solutions.

Further forward, Japan's Daikin Industries developed multi-zone mini split HVAC systems similar to today's mini split systems. A multi-zone ductless HVAC system means there is only a single condenser or compressor and a couple of internal air-regulating units. They only used these HVAC technologies in Japan before they made their way to the United States in the 60s.

Who Sold it First

According to the HPAC Magazine, Heat Controller built the first ductless mini-split HVAC system in 1965 in the United States. The system was ideally made for Sears and was named the 'Sears Modular Central Air-Con System.' Sears availed the system in two sizes: a 115-volt system, known as the 6000, and a 230-volt system, known as the 16000. These original systems only had 8 feet of cooling lines and were quick to set up. Also, Sears included a double wrench kit to help people set them up easily and quickly.

What Did They Look Like?

In 1971, they offered the system under the 'Comfort-Aire' label. Under this label, three sizes were available: the 6000, the 11000, and the 16000. They also changed the accessories to allow for up to 19 feet between the internal and external components. They phased the product off of the market when the U.S. introduced the first EER (energy efficiency ratio) of eight in the late 80s. As a result, they categorized the product as a split system rather than a room unit.

Nowadays, the mini split HVAC tech has become standard across the United States, and many more manufacturers build mini split HVAC systems so you have a wide variety of options. The good thing with mini split HVAC systems is that they can save you money compared to the present air conditioners or heaters. If you're looking for mini split HVAC systems you can rely on, contact Corbins Air Water and Power Solutions today.